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#6 Survey Results

Through the platform of Survey Monkey, 1 week ago I created a survey consisting of 10 questions, each designed to measure the pressures of social media and the impacts it has on our self-esteem. Questions consisted of topics relating to how social media makes you feel, what are your reasons for using it, do more likes and online friendships equal more happiness and do you compare your life to others online.

Through analysis of the data from the 20 responses my survey received, these are my findings and conclusions:

The above data trends reveal a strong positive correlation between the use of social media and its impact on our self-esteem. This is demonstrated through answers of the majority that receiving attention on social media translates to increased happiness, that most respondents care about their number of followers and likes count, and the majority compare their lives to those they follow and become envious of others lives. These attitudes towards social media are detrimental to self image and confidence, as shown by an over usage of these networking sites leads users to the belief that social media is reality, even though most posts are simply the highlight reels of people's lives and are often edited or staged.

It is also established that these platforms are major time wasters, as the data reveals that most respondents spend an average of 4-6 hours on social media per day, and often find themselves using it out of boredom and habit.

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